Advanced Portfolio


New member
Aug 5, 2011
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Alright Guys, just wondering if anyone has had to fill in an advanced portfolio recently? What sort of evidence did you send in? With working offshore I'm struggling to get hold of some evidence, especially for jobs like temporary roofs and obviously copies of permits. Bit of a ball ache. Any help appreciated.

Theres no site diary on this portfolio (city scotland?). It asks for a) Job sheet, Drawings, Time sheets, Details of client or any other relevant evidence you may hold. Its hard to get hold of this stuff offshore when you havnt actually done the job. Easy enough for hangers but no chance with 3 different temporary roof jobs. Mite just write a story of how i done each job and submit it with a load list, toolbox talk and risk assessment and hope for the best.

I used to put pictures of my erect p*nis in my portfolios, then write in detail about the erection
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