advanced course


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2011
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... so what scaffolds are on the current advanced course? Is there any assessments etc or just two weeks of playing with tubes.
Dead shore, raking shore (2 & 3 chord), hanging scaff, cantilever drop, ramp nothing really hard it just remembering to use the step ha ha! Followed by a 2 day a assessment at the end. I think you are assessed on the jobs you do throughout te 2 weeks.
add the temp roof and staircase. A real shame there took the flying shore away been trying for the last two years to bring it back.
Training 2000 still do the flying shore last time I was there. Although its not on the course it shows you what can be done and to give a little experience to those who will prob not get the chance to do one.
Not teaching the flying shore on a advance course something tells me they dont know how to do one!
We did one, don't know why people start wankin about em, its a fukin tower on its
Not teaching the flying shore on a advance course something tells me they dont know how to do one!

Its no longer on the syllabus, ive seen them done in steel now for long time, they reckon its cheaper and quicker.
I dont agree with that its more skills that are being taking away and proberly put into a super advance course along with staircases and and building reg scaffolds shame on THE COLLEGE
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