Advanced card renewal


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
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Hey guys, got a question I'm sure 1 of you will be able to help me with.
I've emigrated to Canada and my advanced card runs out in October of this year, I want to renew it as you never know what's round the corner and I may want to come home 1 day right ?
Do I have to come back to get it renewed, ie do a test again ? or is it just a case of ringing up cisrs ? Either way it'll probably cost me..........

Just renewed mine , take a HSE touch screen test and down load a form fill it in send a photo , put a cheque for £26.50 and thats it :)
Renewing Card

Hi Cymru,

Download the renewal form from the cisrs website, fill it in and send it off with your £26.50 .........

Might be better if you can have it sent to a UK address, though not sure about that..........and there's a section where current employer has to verify your photo.... or someone in the game who knows you.

Should be a piece of cake......... ;)
or the police can verify your photo , if you have a criminal record :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I tried to renew mine when I was in the Middle East.
After countless e-mails to CISRS and CITB I was told you cant do the HSE test online in foreign countries so I would have to book the test then fly back to the UK and do the test.
I hardly ever go to the UK but if I did it would be to visit family and friends.
I pointed out to CISRS that they were unfairly penalizing guys who worked overseas long term. They just basically replied the CISRS cards are a UK thing so fly back or dont renew it!!!!
Thanks for the replies fellas, not sure what to do now ! :confused:
Thanks for the replies fellas, not sure what to do now ! :confused:

Hey buddy ''EH'' would love to hear the goss from the firm mate if you would be so willing to PM me. How's nasty Nick treating you? Have all the old boys come home? Is that bellend Corey still working there lol ? I love living in the past but myself and my partner in crime have plans to come back to Van in the next 6 months, cheers pal.

---------- Post added at 05:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 AM ----------

Hey guys, got a question I'm sure 1 of you will be able to help me with.
I've emigrated to Canada and my advanced card runs out in October of this year, I want to renew it as you never know what's round the corner and I may want to come home 1 day right ?
Do I have to come back to get it renewed, ie do a test again ? or is it just a case of ringing up cisrs ? Either way it'll probably cost me..........


Sorry I didn't answer the original question matey, my mate Mick had to come back to Blighty to renew it pal, there is no special rules just cos you are abroad (sh1t i know) but thats how it is. Why don't you ask Nick if he'll pay for your flights again :laugh: Is Nick's boyfriend Darren still in the office there? makes me giggle how 2 Springboks think they can teach us brits anything at all LOL
Looks like you`ll be back for Christmas Chris. I might catch you in the pub

---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

Don't get Jamie to do it for you it will be a waste of £26:laugh::laugh:
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