a mans game?


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Jun 22, 2011
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when did scaffolders turn into the kind of people who sue at the drop of a hat?
had a blow to your massive ego?
take your company to court.
dont like working to the new rules of a given firm?
quit then sue them for wrongful dismissal.
it used to be a mans game we are in but now its full of pathetic little people who talk the talk but cant or wont walk the walk. the sooner we get back to hte old days when you could tell it like it is and if you didnt like it you found another job. big supposed hard men who cry to the courts make me sick!
man up stop moaning and find another job if your really that unhappy!
feels better to get that off my chest.
Major, some very good valid points there, mate. However, the good old days will never return. When were the good old days? i say the 80's i started late 70's.
My mentor stated the good old days were the 60's and the lads in the Monday club say it was the 70's;)

Time and tide stand still for no man, however, it would be nice to know and discuss, the sea state ?????? Consultation
when did scaffolders turn into the kind of people who sue at the drop of a hat?
had a blow to your massive ego?
take your company to court.
dont like working to the new rules of a given firm?
quit then sue them for wrongful dismissal.
it used to be a mans game we are in but now its full of pathetic little people who talk the talk but cant or wont walk the walk. the sooner we get back to hte old days when you could tell it like it is and if you didnt like it you found another job. big supposed hard men who cry to the courts make me sick!
man up stop moaning and find another job if your really that unhappy!
feels better to get that off my chest.

I take it you have been the defendant and lost the civil case on more than one occasion.:suspicious::cry::rolleyes:
Good Old Days

Late 60's early 70's was a great time for cash in hand payments, (the lump) paid cash when the job was up/down No Tax, No N.I.

I remember the 70's and 80's as big money making times, on the 715's then,the craig was good with a lot of nutters in the game

Started to go down the nick from the early 90's in my opinion, and is still going down hill.The Scaffolding game I was part of is long past,as is my youth,
Good post to kick off with majorerector, one which I agree whole heartedly. Unfortunately this problem is not confined to scaffolding and affects all of us in every work place. I think we will just have get used to it, move with the times or die.

---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 PM ----------

Many a good tune from an old fiddle Rigger.:amuse:
Back to the original Rant

Majorerector appears you have lost a case in a Industial Tribunal for wrongful dismissal.You have had your day in court and lost.Accept it and move on

Time to improve your man-management skills me thinks,It is now 2011 and times have changed,from the days of the gaffer is always right,good companies are built on mutual trust and commitment with respect both up and down the food chain

---------- Post added at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 PM ----------

aom...Many a good tune from an old fiddle Rigger

Nowt wrong with a fiddle now and then :huh:

But I used to play a big fecking double base,with a full blown drum kit on the side for afters :bigsmile:
The main issue is always talk to your employees.

Let them know whats going on.

If you value someone be honest, if you don't let them go & tell them.

Its because society has changed. Remember the days before the "nanny state" and "duty of care"?
You used to cut your hand and wrap it up with gaffer tape and carry on grafting. You could tell someone to "f**k off" and they either "fu**ed off" or told you to "f**koff".
Now we have to run around wiping peoples noses and tieing their bootlaces for them.People are more sensitive and more delicate.
We didnt have safety officers but we were still safe. Since the construction industry became run by people with university degrees who have never held a spanner, trowell or shovel its gone downhill.
The majority of safety officers have never worked on the tools but have read a few books. We didnt have HR you got work if you were any good. If you were recommended you had a day to prove yourself or you were down the road.
Rant over I am a grumpy old man today lol
Things where a lot Different , some good some not so good , we used to be given a list of jobs at 6am jumped in a lorry and the first we seen of the job was when we got there we just put the thing up and moved on to our next job.There was no RAMS ,hard hats , hi-vizs or harnesses, you had to look after yourself and get the work done because it was no good going back to your governor saying " we didnt get it done " because you would be down the road. Friday was beer day no one worked after 12am and the craic was great with everyone trying to out do each other as to how much work they had lumped up that week , and who was the top gang and who was the wan kers .
Like AOM says them days are all but gone except on a few smaller firms , i still try and keep with tradition with my lads as scaffolders are a special breed and have been dumbed down by HSE issues and everything designed and they cant think for themselves anymore ,if a man has to think on his toes and get on with it he will ( we always had to and managed fine ) the trouble is there are to many people who dont have a clue what they are talking about telling experienced scaffolders that what they are doing is wrong because it conflicts with what it says in there little HSE books.
i have worked with a lot of scaffs from all over the country but the major is right some of the so called men in the game now want to have a word with themselves,worse then feckin wimmin.
i have worked on major sites that scaffolders have actually complained of being bullied by the foreman.
i always thaught that was what the carpark was for,to sort out your differences.
I think majorector is right.
Everything has been turned on its head. I don't think many would object to the scaffolding game being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century but its all of the cr*p that has been dragged along with it.

These days to erect a job...........
You need risk assessments and method statements
Safety harness, plus the training on how to inspect, use, look after it.
Hard hat, boots, gloves & possibly glasses
Find out where you're supposed to sign in.
Find out that no-one on site knows anything about the job you're going to do.
Probably a site induction.
A copy of your card with the relevant qualifications.
Confirm you've been given manual handling training and there's someone that can watch the wagon reverse on to site
Read the customers method statement.
Get work permit
See the GF or head guy's lacky to show you what he's after.
Start work.
See the lacky to get the ground levelled cos you know he'll wait until the jobs up before he tells you your solepads aren't lying level and he's not having any of it.
Possibly use your scaff step or other new fangled method of putting a handrail on the lift above you.
Finish the job
Get someone with the right bit of paper to inspect it
Put a scafftag on it
Get handover certificate signed

Back in the day......
Go to yard
Get job off gaffer
Go to site
See the GF
Put the job up
Leave site

I know I've simplified it a bit but you get the idea:confused:
I think majorector is right.
Everything has been turned on its head. I don't think many would object to the scaffolding game being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century but its all of the cr*p that has been dragged along with it.

These days to erect a job...........
You need risk assessments and method statements
Safety harness, plus the training on how to inspect, use, look after it.
Hard hat, boots, gloves & possibly glasses
Find out where you're supposed to sign in.
Find out that no-one on site knows anything about the job you're going to do.
Probably a site induction.
A copy of your card with the relevant qualifications.
Confirm you've been given manual handling training and there's someone that can watch the wagon reverse on to site
Read the customers method statement.
Get work permit
See the GF or head guy's lacky to show you what he's after.
Start work.
See the lacky to get the ground levelled cos you know he'll wait until the jobs up before he tells you your solepads aren't lying level and he's not having any of it.
Possibly use your scaff step or other new fangled method of putting a handrail on the lift above you.
Finish the job
Get someone with the right bit of paper to inspect it
Put a scafftag on it
Get handover certificate signed

Back in the day......
Go to yard
Get job off gaffer
Go to site
See the GF
Put the job up
Leave site

I know I've simplified it a bit but you get the idea:confused:

But thats what the customer wants us to do and be able to prove with records the paperwork is a pain but on the whole it keeps you safe and better all this than a fall
thanks for the replies, firstly i am deffo an employee not a bossman and secondly, i know we have to move with the times and accept that whether i like it or not things have changed. however the gripe wasnt about the state of the industry more the caliber of the men involved in it. there are some pain in the ass youths who think they know it all but turn out to be decent blokes. but the people who have disappointed me are the older more traditional scaffs who cut corners where ever poss then blame everything on others and try and sue to cover there asses. in the minority i know but still bitterly disappointing to encounter. again generally thanks its good to know there are still some neanderthals out there!
never been called a neanderthal bit i do scrape my knuckles along the ground a bit:amuse:
its official this great game of ours is no longer a mans game just go to the off-shore work thread some embarassment is asking about communal showers off-shore.its a ******* joke and the **** should be banned in case any electricians or welders get hold of this information and rip the whole out of us all:mad::mad:
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