A guide to being a useless pr!ck part two


Dec 26, 2009
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Welcome to part 2 of the "How to be a useless pr!ck" guide. In this section we will go over how you as a member of the public can be completely useless.

Part one "Transport"

Part two "Members of the public"

If you see a scaffolding lorry parked up with blokes offloading from it, park your car right up to the back of it, its not like the scaffolders need to get to the back to unload it.

If you prefer travelling by pedal bike because you are an idiotic university kid, and you need to lock it against something, the most suitable things are the small temporary barriers the scaffolders have put up around the work area to prevent you getting in their way. Look shocked when you return to find the scaffolders, the barrier, and your bike, are now gone. Please note the scaffolders may be in the cafe across the street laughing at you and your bike will now be the yard bike.

Even after the scaffolder has explained to you that he's just doing the scaffolding and not doing the roof work himself, persist in asking questions about the works he clearly does not know, nor care about.

Having had scaffolding work carried out and you are unhappy, instead of speaking to the main contractor to resolve the issue, decide to go onto a forum full of scaffolders and moan at them there. Expect a lot of response.

Scaffolders get blamed for everything, so that broken paving slab or even your kids swings you've always wanted replaced for the past few years can now be done by pointing your finger and blaming the scaffolders.

If you're having work done on your own house, don't offer a cup of tea, ignore even the most obvious hints like "I think his kettles broken" since a thirsty scaffolder is a safer scaffolder.

Take any compliments a scaffolder gives you in his own, unique, way offensively and complain to anyone who will listen.

Following these basic steps will ensure you fit nicely into the category "Useless scabby pr!ck"
Walk a new cooker into the house,mark the new lino,and then blame the scaffolders who have just stripped a scaffold from the back of the house and carried it through the house(very carefully) for the right angled marks in the lino...........even though scaffolding tubes are CIRCULAR.....
Spot on thats the general public through and through, complete fuck1ng imbeciles when it comes to the working scaffolder trying to do his job
Leave your cars parked Tight up to the front of the house, lock the gate on the 8" wall round the back garden & leave the dogs out & then fkuc off out for the day when you know the job is going up that day!!!!
Then ring the office up at 4 screaming like a tw*t cos you've got no scaffold for the roofers who are coming in the morning????:mad:
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