A Guide to being a useless pr!ck part three!


Dec 26, 2009
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Its the long awaited part 3 of the "how to be a useless pr!ck" series. This time we will be going over the best ways to be a useless pr!ck when you are in a position of power when dealing with scaffolders, such as a site agent or manager.

Past episodes:

Part one, transport:

Part two, members of the public:

Part three, Site agents, contractors and other 'suits and boots'.

Remember it is not your duty to organise, but to annoy and hinder the scaffolders at every opportunity. This can be done in many ways, sticking to actions that waste the scaffolders time or make his job more difficult normally get the best reactions. Example.

On a site with timber frame structures, it's not exactly important as the man in charge to look at the drawings of the buildings you'll be putting up, simply get the scaffolders to put 2 lifts around where the building will be, then look at the drawing and realise its a bungalow. Try to argue you're not paying for the 2nd lift.

Following the not looking at the drawing example above, there's no reason to look at the drawing on brick builds either. Once the scaffolds down you can ask the scaffolder to put a stack up because you forgot the chimney. The fake one. Which does nothing. After they've took it down realise that part of the gable ends are incorrect, so get them to scaffold it again. After they've took that one down, realise that the bay windows are also incorrect. So get the scaffold back up again. Then when they look really unhappy moan at them that the other builds are falling behind.*1

Do the all time classic of screaming down the phone "I NEED this job up NOW my blokes are waiting!!!!" Even though you don't need it for another 2 weeks. Just for laughs.

Moan at the scaffolders for the smallest detail, a 1 inch gap in the toeboards for example, and threaten to condemn it. Then dig a series of trenches under a scaffold that men are working on, leaving standards hanging and wonder why the scaffolder throws everyone off the job.

A small amount of knowledge is all you need with WAH, so get up there and shout at the scaffolders to clip on when they're on a completed lift that other trades are working on, and attempt to guess what the rules and regs are, the fabled "HSE will go mad!" sentence goes well here. Note: Beware smart arsed scaffs that paid attention on their course, they may show you up.

Make the scaffolders base out in mud. Deep mud. Then after its up build a temporary road up to the loading bay so the forklift doesn't get too muddy.

Really p!ss street scaffs off by not giving decent directions to the job, "go to the traffic lights, turn right where the clio is parked, then down that road until you pass a mother pushing a pram then turn left past the dead badger in the road. The jobs opposite the postman's van" will leave them really confused.

Remove all the bracing and ties. They're only there for decorative purposes anyway. Then moan the scaffolds moving.

Ban shorts. You have no idea why, just do it. When questioned end the discussion quickly by announcing "its the rules!"

Follow these guidelines listed here will ensure a terrible working relation between yourself and the scaffolders and earn yourself a place in the ranks of the useless, scabby pr!cks.

1: The best part of this bit is this actually happened on a SHOW HOME on a building site!
They are belters lol marra and what makes them funny is the are rue to us all lol jus awating the labourer 1 oart 1 and the gaffer 1 lol
They are belters lol marra and what makes them funny is the are rue to us all lol jus awating the labourer 1 oart 1 and the gaffer 1 lol

I'll leave you guessing what will be covered in how to be a useless pr!ck part 4.... :blink1:
Great stuff mate.....Don't you just love Customers!!!

My own personel favourite is:

Customer: (In irate tone) Why hasnt my scaffold been inspected? ...Because we havent allowed to inspect the structure, this is clearly detailed in your quote. Customer: Well thats not right.....Well thats how it is. Customer: Can anyone inspect a scaffold.....Yes, as long as they prove competancy. Customer: How do you prove that then??......Training, Experience, Knowledge. Customer: Oh righto...We havent got anyone qualified, can you inspect it?....Yes...For a fee. Customer: What...you want me to pay for it!!!......Yes...Do you expect me to jump in my car drive 30 miles to you, spend approx 1 hour on site, compile my inspection report, present it to you as well as sign off all your Scaff Tags and then drive 30 miles back to the office for FREE!!! Get a fooking brain you numpty!!!

Customers...Dont you just love em...
The ive done the 2 day inspection course one goes down well!

'That gap in the hand rails is too big and youve missed that swingover brace out thats supposed to be on the sole pad!'

Quality i love it me!
One of my favourites when dealing with the 2 day inspectors is to put a few additional brace in and wait for them to try and dig me for missing some out then take great delight in pointing out that it's only every second standard that requires braced. Sad I know but you have to do something to ram it up em, fuds.
dont forget the 1.5 m bay rule that works a treat go every third set!

'oi dic,head youve missed that inny outty brace out, you need to put it in!'

er oi dic.head no i dont!'
Why do you need a guide for bein a dikhead:eek:h:And what nobhed would buy it.?:wondering:
the same ones that use the fabled - 'dummies guide to erecting kwikstage' (brickies)
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