5 day lay offs


Oct 22, 2010
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anybody know how this works been told we get £106 for 5 days then sign on for job seekers allowance
alright gus, seemingly they can do this for 5 weeks max then have to terminate your contract then re-employ you if needed, if they take you back they have to pay you so many weeks wages
in my view bud, if you told to sign on for job seekers allowance that means you are redundant. you cant apply for job seekers unless you are available for work.

i think your employer is possibly trying to pull a fast one, ( without full details cant be sure tho ) some employers try to say you still got a job here when work picks up but for now you need to sign on job seekers, but i think they only pay your stamp Ni. they cannot give you job seekers allowance unless you are out of work.

im sure someone will know better than me , if i were you i would run down dole office today and ask them for advice
Paddy posted this the other night somewhere which also included a link to the full official version called Temporary Lay Off's.

Guaranteed pay and lay off provisions
An employee who is not provided with work throughout a day during which he would normally be required to work under his contract of employment is entitled to be paid a guarantee payment by his employer if:

•there is a reduction in the requirements of the employer's business for work of the kind which the employee is employed to do; or
•there is any other occurrence which affects the normal working of the business in relation to this type of work.
However, the entitlement to a guarantee payment is also subject to the following provisos:

•guaranteed payments can be made only in respect of a complete working day lost - they are not required to be made in respect of a day in which some work is provided, even if that work is provided outside normal working hours;
•an employee must comply with any reasonable requirements imposed by an employer to ensure that his services are available;
•an employee must not unreasonably refuse an offer from an employer of suitable alternative work (which need not be work he is under his contract employed to perform) ;
•an employee will not be entitled to a guaranteed payment if the failure to provide him with work is a result of a strike, lock-out or other industrial action involving any other employee of his employer or of an associated employer.
Payments Under the CIJC Working Rule Agreement
Under the CIJC Working Rule 17.4.1, normal wages should be paid for the day you are notified of the lay off and for the first five working days.

If you work outside of the CJIC Working Rule Agreement, you are entitled, after one month’s employment, to the statutory guaranteed payment of £18.40 (Feb 2005) for each of the first five days to lay-off up to a maximum of £92.00 a week under section 31(1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

If the lay-off lasts continuously for 4 weeks, or for any six weeks in a 13 week period, then you can claim redundancy if the employer cannot guarantee a further 13 weeks work which must begin within 4 weeks. You may lose your notice pay when claiming redundancy in this situation.

My personal view is it's a disgrace if you can't cover your men for a couple of weeks especially if they are covering you all year.
i was two and half days laid off wether wise said could only pay me what we do lol joker wont be doing anymore for him.phones going non stop with the said joker he wont be getting answered anytime soon.
That's exactly what happens when you treat men like that and exactly what he deserves.
Hi was reading with interest about the temp lay off situation. I was off work for a couple of days last week and this monday i was given my weeks notice. Today I was told not to come into work tommorrow due to the weather. As this is in my notice period would i be entitled to any money for the lost day.

I cannot see the use of having a notice period if they can just tell you not to come in. I am employed and on the books. Thanks
Hi mate, your weeks notice, is your 39 hours flat pay mate, your employer can make you come in and sit in the cabin, most just tell you to phone in though.
we're suffering this too, also i understand its £21 for 5 days, then nothing for the following 3 months

although after a certain period we are entitled to redundancy
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