28 yr Old Scaffolder Caught Meeting a 13 year old girl for sex

this must be 3 yr old i dont think he is am sure he hanged him self unfortunatly his from my village and there was two around the same time 1 deof hanged him self but not sure if it was the scaff or not dirty feking wants arsed raped with hie feking podger
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If you click on the links Trevor Wilkinson working at Sellafield had 10 years, the other fecker Steve Stapleton from Stevenage who thought he was arranging to meet a 13 yr old is a mystery unless you do facebook.

Remember the names lads in case they get a job with you.

---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

I no a steve stapleton who is a scaff but he's from kent?
I no a steve stapleton who is a scaff but he's from kent?

I suppose there could be a few scaffs with the same name, that could cause some problems.

There's a video on facebook that shows the right one.
remember his face from the creepy photo of the beasty baastard
any other cases should be named and shamed as there are a lot of us that travel around and you wouldnt waqnt any of these feckers turning up at you town etc:mad:
I see some thing on facebook. And it was a police communications officeer getting rapped. The people who are private ran and nothing to do with government set men up on chat rooms and appeal that they are 13 year old girls. And when the **** got caught. He had wife and kids. Oooooooooooooooooowahhhhhhh!!!
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