2 day inspection unfit for purpose?


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
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Northwest England
If we sign off our scaffolds, if we are legally responsible for them, what authority do these 2 day chancers have over us, there advice if implimented and not signed for can put ourselves in the dock.......what would be the comebacks if scaffs point blank refused to recognise there authority if any and input ?

No problem with advanced scaffs etc doing the ticket just not joe bloggs off the street giving power trip dangerous advice wrapped up as rules !!!!!
What I can't understand is with all the different training required these days there seems to be more jobs falling over. Erected (And inspected) supposedly by better qualified personnel than we had 25-30 years ago.
I was working on the south coast in 1987 when we had the worst storms and winds in living memory, I don't know of any jobs falling over in that storm.
We had a scaffold fully sheeted on St Dunstans Brighton, for those of you who aren't familiar with this building it sits basically on a cliff with a road between the sea and itself and looks over the English Channel.
The scaffold stayed put but the building was pulled apart at the expansion joints because of the Hilti ties.
A few boards got rattled about on our other jobs but nothing whatsoever fell over.

Progress eh?
Personally i think that this was initially set up to allow site agents/companies the ability to inspect their scaffolds weekly & so enable them to stay competant
under current WAHregs -however i think this system has been abused by the introduction of so called 3rd party H&S companies who ofen use this 2 day certificate to bolster up their qualifications over experiance & charge mega £££ for doing the weekly safety inspec...unfortunatley todays compensation culture has forced many MCs into takng this action rather than the liability themselves.
Although you will never win a argument with a SSO @ least being fully versed in tg & sg & a few other facts & figures of the WAHregs etc would enable you to debate his findings - i normally find the old army addage of bullshiit baffles brains often works.lol
I couldn't agree more with what you say Joe and there is definitely a day of reckoning coming for the 2 day men. I don't care who goes on what course for that length of time, that is going to teach you very little especially as most would fall asleep after about 30 minutes of powerpoint when this course is almost all powerpoint. Ask any newly qualified 2 day inspector who has never worked as a scaffolder, if the check fitting on the pickup is on the right side and I guarantee you, he won't be able to tell you.
Good to speak again aom, think rigger had a point about content not beingvwhat it should so going to put a few up a week that affects me and scaffs I know, hope lifes treating you well and I bet it was weird looking down south at the bad weather ;)
It was very strange but a huge relief as well. We got nowhere near as bad as you boys but it still wasn't pleasant, thunder and lightening and hail as we travelled over to Mull to do a small church spire, not really where you want to be in weather like that.

I think you have hit a genuine topic worth debating, not sure how much of a debate you will get on here as I can't see many standing up for this one.
We've started a job for dawnus in solihull, now we havn't completed any lifts as yet so there's signs all over it " do not use scaffold incomplete". Just before we finished we had a member of dawnus staff come up to me and asked why theres no scaff tag on the job. Now this guy inspects the scaffolds before we hand them over yet hes asking where the scaff-tag is on an incompleted scaffold. Its not as bad as the idiot in your previous thread joe-bag, but it deos make you think where therr getting there training from.
Having completed one of these 2day inspection courses i agree that they are not worth a w@nk.
The instructor was more interested alloy towers as it was his 'field'
The people who attended (site managers) were asked why they were here and most answered with "coz the scaffolders cant put scaffold up properly"

The best bit was when I turned up in my sign written van was " a scaffolder! well you've passed already"
Was also told not answer any questions, i literally sat there for 2 days!
I was under the impression that a scaff inspector cant order a scaff to make alterations. He doesnt have the authority .Logs reports with the client or site manager,who in turn phones the scaff company.
An inspector makes recommendations as you say fred, but he is not autherised to tell scaffolders or any other trade for that matter what to do.
Biggest point here sd..... practice v theory.....theoretically he shouldnt and doesnt have the power to but practically it happens all the time, knowledge is not the key so if it happens again they are getting it ;)
I got the 3 day ticket,wasnt aware of a 2 day course. Theres not even an inspection ref book supplied. I liked Swiftys comments on the amount of collapses happening since design and dodgy courses which no one fails ,have sprung up.
It also comes down to the particular scaff. I myself have the same mentallity as yourself JB, I'll telk them where to get off, but if you've got a young scaff running his first site and a bit non- confrontational, and these pillocks turn up and give it the big one, he's going to do the work without asking cos in his eyes he's an inspector and should know his stuff. My concerne would be for that young kid doing something thats illegal and if something were to happen who would be liable, as hes done the work as asked by a so called qualified person.
Bitterly disapointed when I never got a shiney plastic card from the tight erses.:(
If we sign off our scaffolds, if we are legally responsible for them, what authority do these 2 day chancers have over us, there advice if implimented and not signed for can put ourselves in the dock.......what would be the comebacks if scaffs point blank refused to recognise there authority if any and input ?

No problem with advanced scaffs etc doing the ticket just not joe bloggs off the street giving power trip dangerous advice wrapped up as rules !!!!!

You can thank the nasc and citb for this.
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