10 week job in Africa

Half a daily more like ;)

On a plus side it's upto the younger cockneys to keep Arthur daleys name going since his passing

On comedy It's funny as fuk this advert I thought
£200 a day to work in the searing heat of Africa dodging bullets from pirates and Islamic fundamentalists? Pass.
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Its been many years since I last visited sierra leone & I wouldnt have thought another experiance there would be any nicer than the 1st lol...
on the upside look who the adverts placed by - they specailise in recruitment of ec military for all areas of civilian works so personal protection would be ok with ur own set of PMCs looking after ya lol...but I dont think they understand that a scaff can obtain that wage comfortabley in GB now.
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200 a day try 200 an hour and thats just for dealing way the Cuplock never mind all the other ****
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